Chili Peppers Bird Eyes,

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  • Description

Chili Bird Eyes

  • Chili peppers red hot Bird Eyes have it all
  • Severity level 1-10: Class 8
  • Scoville scale 125,000 SHU
  • Chili con carne spice

Chili peppers red hot Bird Eyes: their aroma profile and degree of heat

The Chili peppers Bird Eyes are just fiery hot. They do not taste fruity, like other chilies of this genus, their flavor is very similar to Thai chilies. So, if the other chili varieties are too moderate, you like to try these little red hot chili peppers. They are pungent with 125,000 SHU, which corresponds to a pungency level 8 out of 10.

Culinary use of chili in Italian cuisine

In Italy, the use of chili in regional cuisine differs enormously. Peperoncini, as the chili peppers are affectionately known here, tend to season the local kitchens from the center south. This spice is used sporadically in Umbria and Veneto.

Friuli, Liguria, Lombardy, and Emilia Romagna use Chilli in their local cuisine, for example in the famous fish soup Tremezzina with various sea fish, saffron, and chili. In Emilia, they make salami with finely chopped meat, chili, and garlic. In Sicily, spaghetti with olives, and chili, Spaghetti Alla Siracusa.

But the Italians like it the most. In the area around Rome, and around we find the spice in many recipes such as Cacciatora, Pajata.

There are also numerous fiery dishes in and around Naples. The famous beans for the Carrettiera, the so-called Friarelle, the Spullecarielli, the unforgettable Neapolitan fish soup, and the little-known deep-fried soup. But, above all, buffalo sausages made from buffalo meat, turkey, and pork fat are seasoned and matured with fennel seeds and plenty of chilies.

Herbology: chili plant

The Bird Eyes Chili pods from Mexico are a Central American spice. The Chili Bird Eyes belongs to the genus Capsicum frutescens. This is a Capsicum variety that is one of the spiciest of ist kind. The chili belongs to the Solanaceae's family, and there are more than 150 varieties. The plant grows to a height of approx. 60/80 cm and has white flowers. Their sharpness depends on the climate and the maturity of the pod. Their color varies from green, orange, yellow, red to black.

Where does the chili pepper come from and who brought it to us?

Hot chili peppers have been used as a spice by the population since ancient times. Of course, only in places where they naturally grew. We know from archaeological finds that the pods of Central American Indians in Mexico were seasoned with you as early as 5500 BC. On our continent, the chili came from Christopher Columbus. From his second trip in 1493, he imported it to Europe.

The cultivation of chili peppers

Contrary to common knowledge, chili requires a lot of water during cultivation, but it is essential to avoid standing water. To increase the pungent taste of the fruits, slowly reduce the watering before harvest until you stop watering within 48-72 hours before harvest. At this crucial moment in production, however, they have to be very careful not to kill the plant. To promote and stimulate the ripening of the fruit, it is also possible to increase the potassium content in the soil, while using and adding potassium sulfate, which they buy from the cooperatives.


The harvest, which usually takes place between July and September, should take place when the berries are completely ripe and have a bright color. The fruits are then removed with a small pair of scissors so as not to damage the plants.


Chilli peppers Bird Eyes are very high in vitamin C, and naturopathy believes that they have many positive health effects. People who have stomach problems should use them moderately. The chili has strong antioxidant power. Besides, it supposed to be useful during the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system such as colds, sinusitis, bronchitis, and it also supports digestion. These virtues go back to the component capsaicin, which can increase the secretion of mucus and gastric juice. Chili is a great appetite stimulator.

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