Garlic Flakes buy spices online

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  • Description

Garlic Flakes dried

  • Perfect for enhancing lamb, poultry, beef, and vegetables
  • Pairs excellently with robust herbs like thyme and rosemary
  • Also known as garlic, stomach root, or stink onion

Cultivation of Garlic Flakes,

Garlic flakes belong to the leek family and most likely originate in southwest Asia. It is a perennial with a height of up to 1.50 meters and has a 10 cm thick tuber root/onion, the well-known garlic bulb. The plant is grown all over the world today and used in every kitchen.

Garlic: Allium sativum is one of the first crops in the world. The Egyptians used it first as a spice. The plant is relatively undemanding and grows in any climate, and thrives on nutrient-rich and loose soils. There are different varieties, ranging from pink to reddish to white. In a tropical climate, the garlic is ripe for harvest after 4-6 months. Then it is dried under the sun.

Did you know that 

Nowadays, thanks to traditional Mediterranean cuisine, we use more garlic than a few decades ago. "Worldwide consumption is three million tons a year, that's 500 grams per person (Source: Gernot Katzer)".

Culinary use

Garlic goes well with many dishes. For example, I like to fry zucchini in the pan. Then, I add the garlic, Himalayan salt, and chili pods bird eyesat the end of the cooking time. Garlic is used in numerous dishes and goes particularly well with all-powerful herbs.

Garlic refines pork chops, veal, beef, and chicken. Just add the rosemary, salt, and garlic just before the end of the cooking time.

You can use garlic to make the well-known Alli Oli - mix garlic, oil, and salt into a cream. In some recipes, they refine it even with egg yolks and mustard.

I also like garlic with oven-cooked potato wedges.

Garlic flakes: Allium sativum, buy online, in the spice shop.

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